Saturday 16 July 2011

Sicky morning wake up.

So, at around 8am this morning I had Ryan going "Arghh, Soph, there is sick on the bed". I literally sprung out of bed, turned around and there on the duvet where the dogs sleep on the bed was a small pile of sick, luckily there was hardly any of it, Bobby had squished himself in the corner of the bed so it didn't touch him and there was Lily, smiling at me looking pretty innocent. LOL. (Lily smiles & squints her eyes when she's done something wrong). Ryan asked me why i didn't wake up while she was being sick but not even thunder&lightening will wake me up so I had no clue what had gone on.
It really strange because for some reason last night i actually thought, "I remember when i used to wake up at about 3/4 o'clock in the morning with the puppies being sick" That what usually my morning wake up call. HA HA.

So, there I was at 8am cleaning and changing a bed. What a shock to the system.

Now Lily&Bobby are back asleep in there corner on the bed snuggling with each other.
Thankfully, Lily is okay now, shes had a drink and a little treat. (I usually test her with a biscuit/treat to see if she eats it, if she doesn't then ill know there is something wrong)

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