In my monthly dog magazine i found an article in there about stuff which your dog shouldn't eat, i wanted to share this with you in my own words.
There is a huge confusion of what not to feed your dog so here are a list of foods and some explanations:
There is a huge confusion of what not to feed your dog so here are a list of foods and some explanations:
- Alcohol-Well, this is pretty obvious that you should NEVER let your dog drink this.
- Avocado-The high fatty content of avocado's can cause stomach problems, vomiting, and in severe cases, pancreatitis. Persin, which is found in avocado's are toxic to dogs and can cause damage to the heart and lungs. Also if the seeds are swallowed can cause a blockage due to size.
- Caffeine- Drink containing caffeine contain theobromine and Theophylline, which are toxic to dogs and can cause damage to the heart and nervous system.
Chocolate- We all know about this one!!! It contains theobromine, the same as what caffeine contains.
The higher the cocoa content the more dangerous it is. As little as 2 ounces can damage a dog.
Before a dog died from chocolate poisoning he/she will experience a great deal of pain such as, pain, sickness and seizures. - Cooked bones- Cooked bones should never be given to a dog. Cooking them softens the bones and will cause them to splinter which can then pierce a dogs inside's. A raw meaty bone is more beneficial.
- Corncobs- Corncobs can cause internal obstructions and can also cause your dog to choke if they swallow a large piece.
- Fruit pips&stones- Pips&stones such as apples, cherries, peaches, plums, pears apricots and other similar fruit contain cyanide which is fatal to dogs. They can also choke your dogs too or become lodged in the throat.
- Garlic- There has been a great debate about this. It can be given in very small doses now and then but no more than that.
- Grapes&Raisins- These can cause serious damage to a dogs kidneys. Don't be tempted to feed your dog any of your fruit cake too if he/she is begging, these too contain raisins.
- Onions- Onions can cause aneamia in dogs.
- Tomatoes- I'm not too sure about this myself but i've never known anyone to feed there dog loads of tomatoes. Im sure if they're given in moderation it should be fine!
Poisonous plants and flowers -
I felt like i needed to share this because when Bobby was about 6 months he ate and swallowed a tulip or daffodil bulb and he became very sick.
He had BAD diarrea, vomiting, he started to prolapse because he was constantly straining to go to the toilet. We thought we were going to lose our baby boy because he became very ill, i honestly don't know what i would have done if this happened.
After this happened we dug up all bulbs and put all plants behind wire so none of the dogs could reach them.
So, please think before you start planting certain plants to make your garden look pretty. What is more important a pretty garden or your dog??
The following plants can be very fatal if swallowed-- Daffodil/narcissus.
- Larkspur
- Rhododendron
- Rhubarb leaves
- Yew
- Amaryllis bulbs
- Mother-in-Laws tongue.
These following plants can cause a range of side effects including sickness, diarrhoea, mouth and eye irritation and skin allergies, among other symptoms.
Garden plants-
Bleeding heart
Lilies (including lily of the valley)
Tiger Lily
House plants-
Asparagus fern
Spider plant
Swiss cheese plant.
Also if your dog rummages through potato sacks could possibly leave your dog with a poorly belly, if they pick up and green or sprouting potatoes!
Remember Bulbs and dogs DO NOT MIX!!! So remove all from your garden.
I hope your find this blog post helpful! :-)
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