Thursday 11 August 2011

Thundershirt- Is it really the best thing for dog anxiety??

 Well, as most of you know Lily has some 'issues' in her life.
She has anxiety towards other dogs, she is VERY demanding (such a diva) and she is a barker, apart from this she is all perfect (in my eyes). She gets SOO over excited on her walks and sometimes she in uncontrollable to the point i just feel like giving up.
I have heard about the Thundershirt for a while now but i never really thought about getting it until i saw a video online of all these dogs having a good reaction to the shirt.

I made sure we got the correct size for Lily. We ordered her a small because she is a 17 inch round her chest BUT i had the dilemma of the XS was for 10-18 lbs with a chest size of 13"-18" OR the small which was for 15-25 lbs dogs but the chest size was for 16"-23". I decided to get the small because the chest would have fitted better but Lily only weighs 12lbs. Luckily it fitted her perfectly, it needs to be snug but not too tight your dog cant move or breathe. The only problem i had was the front strap is too wide so i have to adjust it properly so it doesn't stop her from running/jumper.
The shirt comes in a few different colours but the main colour which is supplied to UK is grey, you can get pink&blue rugby style but it cost's more.

Well, when we first got the shirt we took her out with Bobby and well, it didnt seem to help at all, she was still barking and still demanding her ball. BUT, today we gave it a better chance and had more of a calm approach toward the product. We decided to cut Lily's nails today and well, she usually doesnt react very well to this, she panics and squirms so we have to hold her down which is very distressing but it just has to be done! So, we applied to shirt to her and SHE WAS FANTASTIC, she just went to sleep on her back and let Ryan cut her nails, afterwards we took her straight out for a 'Socialising walk' to just test the shirt and let her meet other dogs. She was VERY calm on the walk compared to her usual excited/jumpy self, she didn't demand her ball or run off and expect to go running, she just walked with us. We only saw two dogs and the first dog she was fine on the approach but then she got over excited and started barking at the dog, we decided that the approach of her meeting dogs needs to be short and simple, a quick meet and greet and then walk off. Then after 10 minutes of more walking we met a labrador, and she reacted perfectly, no barking or pining, she just met the dog, sniffed butts and faces and walked off it was amazing and i felt so proud compared to her usual reaction!

I would definitely say it is a good product BUT you can't expect a miracle cure!! You will NEED to train at the same time. I think it takes the edge off of things but don't just think "Right if it doesnt work thats it, its going back". Give it a fair chance, do some training and actually help your dog with their insecurities. You get a 45 day guarantee on the shirt too so you can always send it back if it isnt correct for you. (Please check with the supplier first of all if they accept returns)
If you need any help with training idea's too please dont hesitate to ask or you can email for confidential advice.

We got our Thundershirt from this supplier, it cost £30.95 excluding P&P (prices depends on what postage you pick). Pooches Pawadise had pretty quick delivery too which is always a bonus because i hate waiting LOL

Just remember, this product isn't a miracle cure. You may need to include training too to get the best benefits!

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